mercredi 25 février 2009
E-puck 机器人
法国科学研究中心 CNRS
法国科学研究中心(CNRS Centre national de la recherche scientifique)是一个从事覆盖几乎所有科学领域的基础科学研究工作的机构,它产生的成果是知识,并为社会发展服务以满足社会和工业界的需求。CNRS成立于1939 年,是法国最大的国家科研组织机构,隶属于法国国家教育研究与技术部。多年以来法国科研中心参与法国国家科技发展总政策的制订,它同190 所高等学校及大学保持着非常密切的对口协作关系,其四分之三的实验室设在这些大学和高校内,科研中心为这些协作实验室或协作课题组或协作个人提供科研经费。目前CNRS共有30000人,其中26080个固定工作人员(11664位研究人员和14416位工程师、技术员、管理者)。2007年的总预算达到了30.亿欧元,目前,CNRS参加国际重大科学研究、发现活动,成为国际研究的主要中心之一。CNRS的研究覆盖了科学的各个领域,包括在7个学部:数理学部、原子与粒子物理学部、宇宙科学部、工程科学部、化学部、生命科学部、人文与社会科学部。CNRS汇集了法国许多优秀的科学家,包括许多诺贝尔奖的获得者。
我实习所在的实验室IEF(Institut d’Électronique Fondamentale)是CNRS和巴黎南11大的联合实验室,含有数学、物理、星球、宇宙学等方向。代表研究方向是纳电,包括基于半导体的微电子学、纳电子学、微电,纳电的电磁学以及电子自旋。实验室目前有33位研究员,52位教师,52位工程师、技术员、管理人员,70位博士,每年接待80个实习生。总共分为8个组,其中我所在的组是AXIS,主要研究方向是控制系统、通讯系统以及图象处理系统,定位于复杂系统工程学科研,目前处于这个领域的领先地位。代表研究方向是智能汽车以及摩托车的安全预防。这两个研究方向的研究成果都在巴黎展览过。
mardi 24 février 2009
Welcome to attend FOCS
Welcome to attend FOCS!
Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings 2009
Date: 8-10 August 2009
Abstract Due Date: May 8, 2009
Fiber optical communication and sensors (FOCS) is one of the meetings of Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2008 which will be held in
The goal of the FOCS is to facilitate the dissemination of the latest information in the field of fiber-optic communication & sensors and related technologies. Topics cover a wide range of areas and include devices, systems, networks and applications. FOCS also solicits papers on subjects related to fiber optic communication & sensors that have a significant overlap in technology, such as special fiber and cable, fiber lasers, optical signal processing and radio over fiber communications. To maintain the technical and geographical diversity, FOCS seeks submissions from around the world and from industry as well as academia. Authors are welcome to submit their work and to share in their new techniques or devices that represent first-rate discoveries.
Sponsored by: Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) ; National Engineering Laboratory for Next Generation Internet Access System(NEL-NGIA); Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) ;Chinese Optical Society (COS); Ministry of Science and Technology of China(MOST) ; Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) ; Ministry of Education of China(MOE); National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)
Co-sponsored by: Administration Committee of Wuhan East Lake High- Tech Development Zone ; The State Optoelectronic & Information Industry Base of China; China Hubei Provincial Science & Technology Department
Technically Co-sponsored by: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (IEEE LEOS)
Chairs: Dieter Stefan Jäger (
Program Committee: T.F. Morse, Boston University (USA); Nasser Peyghambarian, University of Arizona (USA); Robert M Kolbas, NC State University (USA); Shizhong Xie, Tsinghua University (China); Ping Shum, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore); Leping Wei, China Telecom Group Company (China); Ying Zhang, SIM Tech (Singapore); Xiaomin Ren, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China); Lisa, Inphinex Company (USA); Yadong Jiang, University of Electronic Science and Technology (China); Chao Lu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong); Jianping Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China); Wei Jin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong); Xueguang Qiao, Xibei University (China); Dexiu Huang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China); Yunjiang Rao, University of Electronics Science & Technology (China); Guangxi Zhu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China).
Local Organization Chair: Deming Liu (
Secretary: Hairong Liu (
Organizing Committee: Changjian Ke; Ping Lu; Chen Liu; Qizhen Sun; Mingju Nie; Minming Zhang; Xiaoying Liu; Shen Cui; Duan Liu.
Scopes and Topics: Special Fibers and cables; New technologies impacting components and sub-systems; High-speed communication systems; Optical access networks (FTTX); Fiber-optic sensor and networks; Home network technology; Radio over Fiber Access Technologies; Application and Field trials; Other related technologies.
Participate now!